
Welcome to the personal website of Alexander Hansen Færøy. I am a hacker based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
My professional interests include the development of free & open-source software, IT security, hardware hardening, cryptography, privacy enhancing technologies, network protocols, distributed systems, and programming languages. I particularly enjoy building highly distributed systems using functional programming languages such as Erlang, and low-level systems programming in the C, C++, and Rust programming languages.
I am currently working as a Team Lead and Core Developer at The Tor Project. My team is responsible for developing the core Tor applications, libraries, support utilities, and ensuring that the Tor network is operating optimally. If you want to support The Tor Project, you can run a relay or a bridge node yourself and participate in the Tor network as an operator. It is also possible to donate directly to the project. We can optionally send you stickers, a t-shirt, or a hoodie if your donation is of substantial size.
I enjoy photography, arranging conferences, and hacker festivals. I also occasionally contribute to various free software projects. Some of my work is available on my Github and Gitlab profiles.
I am not particularly good at keeping this website up-to-date, but you should be able to find information on how to contact me, read the articles I have written, and have a look at the public talks I have given over the years.
This website is also accessible as a Tor Onion Service if your browser supports it.
I enjoy traveling, but unfortunately, I have only visited European and North American countries. Here is a world map of the countries I have seen so far: